Saturday, 15 March 2014

Golden Nugget

Some time ago, I read the life of a saint called, "The Sage of Sakori". It was very interesting, and because of one important incident, it will always stand out in my memory. The guru sometimes threw stones at his disciples, not playfully, but in anger. Those who, with devotion, picked up the stones and carried them home, found that they had golden nuggets. Those who left them lying on the ground missed the blessing.

I had read all the lives of saints that I could get, but found nothing similar in them. An outstanding and marvelous truth was taught by the incident. If the guru "throws a stone" - that is, assigns a duty or gives an order that is disagreeable and painful to the disciple - the attitude in which he receives it and performs it determines whether he shall receive the blessing or not. If he "picks it up and carries it home" - that is, receives it humbly and carries it out cheerfully - he will find he has a golden nugget. All depends upon his attitude
-God Alone, Sri Gyanmata 
She is of God, and God is with her". - Paramahansa Yogananda

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